Hi Everybody, I am Sudhir Bhatt here , an author, writer, a coach and a blogger.
I help Content writers, Copywriters and New Businesspersons to
write powerful stories to engage, enthrall and engage the audience,
and to build careers. My vision is to train at least 100000 of my
content creating pals, and copywriters to grow fast and to become 6 to 7
figure earners with the idea of adopting storytelling in their work.
I am an author, writer, blogger and a digital marketer.
I would love to teach storytelling 100000 content writers, copywriters, authors, to achieve their professional goals. In this course I am focusing on how storytelling can be used to successfully to create your powerful content and copy.
I have done lots of freelancing writing work for various businesses like healthcare, solar panels, cruise hire, online marriage website, freelancing, authors and many others. There was quite a wide spectrum of content churning like blogs, web site content, business plans, case studies, presentations, digital marketing (new interest I developed) , SOPS, an email sequences and several others.
I also own a few websites like hindikahaniyansuno.com, internestserves.com, authorshine.com and sudhirbhatt.com